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Easter Hint ‘ums! πŸ£βœοΈπŸ‡

Easter is just two weeks away and already reminding us of our redemption and hope of the good that is to come!

Relax and reflect on the beauty of this season with a short riddle puzzle, either printed out, or online from any device πŸ™‚

πŸŒΌπŸ‡βœοΈπŸ£ ….

Before we get into the puzzle hints, here is the link to try it on your own!

And, of course, the printout version πŸ™‚

I hope the weather is lovely wherever you are 😊

Have you tried the puzzle on your own yet? Sometimes, you might surprise yourself with how many you get without any hints. Access the puzzle via any method given above, try your mind at it, and then we’ll start!

Alright, let’s get into it!

Question 1.
“Beautiful yellow flowers that pop up just before spring and remind us that ‘Sunday’–our hope–is coming!”

They grow from bulbs and have broad, bright, and short petals that open flat like a mane and sit around a yellow or orange corona (think a trumpet shape). The leaves are long and come from the base of the plant, rather than coming directly from the stem/stalk.
They reach out cheerfully toward heaven from the foothills of nature just as winter begins to end.

These flowers can also be white or orange!

I recently wrote a post on these beautiful perennials, here.

Question 2.
“The holiday we keep to remember Jesus’ sacrifice.”

Pastels abound around this holiday, coaxing our spirits to childlike joy and hope and giving peace to those who remember our Lord and observe the week.

Question 3.
“Gather the family and grab little baskets; we’re going on a search for hidden treasure!”

This activity is a whole lot of fun! It’s a treasure hunt! Small goodies are hidden in little plastic cases and tucked in planters, under lawn toys, in the limbs of trees or leaves of bushes… Great fun!

Question 4.
“This is the day the Lord hung on the cross.”

The name of this day might seem oxymoron, but is in reference to our salvation gifted to us by one who gave the ultimate sacrifice!

I will give you another hint, though: it’s often considered one of the weekend days, but it is a weekday!

Question 5.
“Gives relief to the ears that hear it :)”

Blessed are the feet of those who carry it swiftly like a dove!

Question 6.
“Forgiveness extended out of love and patience and forebearance. When given, it is always undeserved.”

It starts with a ‘G’ πŸ˜‰ It’s one of the best gifts we’ve been given.

Question 7.
“The looking forward to a miracle or good turn of events. It’s our anchor and the ‘assurance of things not seen.'”

This lifts a soul’s spirits and brings life, endurance, courage, and strength.
It’s what the destitute, heartbroken, and fallen seek ❀

Question 8.
“Little, candy-coated and has a chewy center. There’s many to a handful and lots of flavors!”

They were the favorites of a famous horse-loving president from the 80’s πŸ˜‰
…And famously come in 50 flavors 😜

Question 9.
“Something we all need. It’s the most basic and necessary of all human needs.”

It’s the greatest of the virtues and sums up every commandment.

Question 10.
“Relenting or looking favorably with pity on someone. When your heart turns toward someone’s situation. This can be either deserved or undeserved.”

It could be a homeless mother asking for the kindness of a stranger to provide a meal for her family, or someone begging for a debt to be forgiven.
Either way, they both might say, “Have _____ on me!”

Question 11.
“Two words: Our names are cleared and our slates are blank because of the _____ we’ve been afforded by the cross. AND the bringing back to goodness; when we are made new and given a new prime :)”

In the puzzle box, the word is “___________ and ____________.” Technically three words, when you count the ‘and’ πŸ˜‰

They both start with an ‘R’ and together they tell a story…
The first tells of the washing away and making right of an awry,
and the second tells of the bringing back of former (or greater) glory.

…We all need a little R&R. But no, it’s not rest and relaxation πŸ˜‰

Question 12.
“When one has this, they are calm, secure and well in spirit; A deep wellness or assurance.”

It is a big piece to the puzzle of a secure and happy life. News can bring it, a fulfilled hope can bring it, but, confidence in knowing we are saved is what makes it deepest. And it’s what most people wish for the world..

Question 13.
“When all the flowers start to bud and all the trees flower. It’s the bees’ favorite season!”

Ooh, carried upon the bees knees is pollen for honey-making! It’s about that time of year when pretty pink blooms can be seen and petals start to seek the sun outside of their buds.

December is Santa’s busiest season, but this is the bees’ busiest season!

Question 14.
“A day of hope. This is the day the Lord rose from the grave!”

The last weekend day, but the first day of the calendar week, this is also the day we set aside to observe the Lord’s command to rest.

And that’s it!!
Were you able to find them all in the word search?

I hope you enjoyed this puzzle!

Wishing you showers of blessings, peace, and love ❀
Thanks for joining us today!

As always, here is the answer key πŸ˜‰

Hey, I see you peeking ahead! Click here to get back to the top, safe from spoilers!

Word Bank:

  1. Daffodils
  2. Easter
  3. Egg Hunt
  4. Good Friday

5. Good News
6. Grace
7. Hope
8. Jellybeans

9. Love
10. Mercy
11. Peace
12. Redemption and Restoration

13. Spring
14. Sunday!

Answer Key:

Thanks for joining! I hope you enjoyed πŸ™‚

Live on!

-A.M.M. ❀️

By Alyssa McClure

Popp!nTalk is a place I share all of my love and positive thoughts to stand out from all the negative and give you a place to put up your feet and rest- Whether that be during the workweek or on the weekends. Easy, quick reads to give you a smile and something pleasant to think about. Unique, entertaining, positive. Live on :) #loveisaverb

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