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Junebugs (Extended Version)

Tomorrow is a beautiful gift to her that she couldn’t wait to cherish, just as she cherished tonight: sitting in the side yard against the concrete wall beneath the Junebugs dancing in the glow of that streetlamp and talking about everything under the moon with the person she loved the very very most.

…Under the dancing Junebugs of this and every July starry night.

faith history Holidays hope

Good Friday?

What the cross means for you and me, and what it should tell us about the coming days ✝

faith Holidays hope

At the Sinner’s Table

Jesus was friends with sinners. That’s good news for all of us. ❤

“I stand at the door and knock…”

Life thoughts

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall…

Who’s the one that’s there through all?
Ask the fellow in the mirror, “How are you?” And this time, reply. Because that person will really always be there, and is sometimes all you’ve got, and they’ll listen. Open your own ears and your own heart to your own self.