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Junebugs (Extended Version)

Tomorrow is a beautiful gift to her that she couldn’t wait to cherish, just as she cherished tonight: sitting in the side yard against the concrete wall beneath the Junebugs dancing in the glow of that streetlamp and talking about everything under the moon with the person she loved the very very most.

…Under the dancing Junebugs of this and every July starry night.

encouragement faith healing help history hope Life lifestyle My Favorites

Where is Hope When Life is Bleak?

Possibility, statistics, history, your lifelong storyline… none of this limits God.

I hope that in this post you are able to find peace and hope in any bleak circumstance.

Sending love to you and yours 🩵

encouragement Holidays Seasons

Happy (almost late) New Year!

Some words of encouragement for you as you go into this new chapter 💛 …

Christmas Holidays letters love

Merry Christmas 🎄

with love,

encouragement healing help hope letters love My Favorites

Encouragement For You Today

Your value and worth are beyond understanding ❤
Let your aching heart be seen here, and loved for all its depths, recognized where it doesn’t feel recognized.

Books healing Snippets from the Editor's Desk

A Picture of Life After Survival

When you still can’t trust peace or expect calm and anxiety still shakes your heart…

This healing journey is a lifelong one 💙

faith Snippets from the Editor's Desk

Drawing Near

Drawing near to God will also draw you nearer to his plan for you 💙

Books Diaries thoughts

Reading Highlights

Maybe it’s better to forever hope, than to find if the truth is ugly.

encouragement faith hope Life love

What Controls Today?

Not this fear. Not this mess. Not this world.
God writes today.
Every day I make a mess of my life, every day that fear strikes, every day that regret comes knocking, I remember that God is still the King.

encouragement hope

Come You Who Are Weary

…and I will give you rest.” -Your Savior.

You are never too far gone. Never too dark or broken or dirty. Never too deep in the pit for God to reach in and take you out and set you in his presence of light and peace.

You. You have hope. Come. You belong. Welcome home, beloved; it’s been a long road ❤

The God of the Universe loves you and sees you and is reaching out to you.