encouragement faith hope

Hope for Today

Find peace and strength for what you are facing today.

And remember, don’t borrow tomorrow’s worries 🙂

encouragement faith

He Doesn’t Overlook You

He wasn’t spared from sorrows or bullying. He truly has a heart for you ❤

Jesus' heart goes out to you 💙

encouragement faith hope Life love

What Controls Today?

Not this fear. Not this mess. Not this world.
God writes today.
Every day I make a mess of my life, every day that fear strikes, every day that regret comes knocking, I remember that God is still the King.

encouragement hope

Come You Who Are Weary

…and I will give you rest.” -Your Savior.

You are never too far gone. Never too dark or broken or dirty. Never too deep in the pit for God to reach in and take you out and set you in his presence of light and peace.

You. You have hope. Come. You belong. Welcome home, beloved; it’s been a long road ❤

The God of the Universe loves you and sees you and is reaching out to you.

faith history hope Life My Favorites

Living In the End Times

“For I have told you the end from the beginning.”
The clock is running out on God’s 7-Millenia Plan

faith hope Life

When It’s Hard to Feel “Blessed”

Feeling stuck?
Feeling hopeless?
Wondering “Why?”
Peace isn’t impossible even for you ❤
I hope this gives you a lighthouse in the storm ❤

faith hope

What About Fear?

What’s the hype about fear? And how do I stop being afraid?
Ever felt like a kid, who could just hide under a blanket for a moment of security? Or wished there was a blanket of security and protection?
God has it all under control.


The Greatest Perfection

It cannot be tainted by your imperfections…

Advice Column Life

Dear, Still Hoping

Keep finding “tomorrow” and, in one of them, there is destined to be the thing you wait for.

Life love thoughts

Encouragement on Rainy Days

Sometimes, life feels like a dead-end. Stagnant. “Where the heck is life?” you ask, numbly, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Friend, let me pick up your face with a little light and love:
Read on ❤